The job market is constantly changing. Good personnel doesn’t just come along, you have to do something. You will have to be more creative with recruitment. A job video is the way to go!

Vacancy video: a visual aid
Why you should have a job video made instead of just putting a recruiting text online? Because images say much more than just words. People would much rather watch a video that briefly explains the vacancy than read a long recruitment text. As humans, we are simply visually oriented. So if you want to attract the right people to your company quickly and effectively, a vacancy video, combined with an attractive text, is the ideal solution.
“Images are processed 60 thousand times faster by our brain than text”
What exactly is a job video?
The word actually says it all; A job video is a short video that helps you recruit new staff. As an employer, you make a job video to get potential applicants in the door. After seeing your video, they immediately have an idea of the company and what exactly the position they are applying for entails.
Why a job video comes across much stronger
As an employer, you always want to have a certain perception of an applicant, you need to feel if that person fits the company. It’s the same for an applicant. They need to feel if the company they are applying to is the right place for them. The gut feeling often speaks louder than the actual pros, and cons of a position. And a job video can steer that feeling in the right direction, provided, of course, it is well put together. That’s why we’ve listed three tips on how to make a good job video.
Tip 1: Keep it short
With video you can tell and show a lot about your company in a short period of time. Especially if you implement the ‘show, don’t tell’ principle, where you give the viewer more of a taste of the company’s atmosphere, rather than very matter-of-factly listing all the benefits. Keep the job video short, but powerful. The first few seconds of a video should be catchy enough for a potential applicant to want to keep watching and make contact.
Tip 2: Introduce the applicant to the company atmosphere
An applicant will determine whether he thinks it’s worth applying for a job based on your video. So you will have to do everything possible to win him over. Give him a taste of the atmosphere in the workplace, introduce him to new colleagues and make it clear what will soon be part of his job. You can also show the nice benefits, such as the drinks together or the ping pong table in the canteen. Humor also works super well to establish your company as a fun employer.
A video about your company doesn’t have to be extremely businesslike right away; it can be done with a wink.
Tip 3: Put yourself in the shoes of the ideal candidate
After the potential job applicant has seen the job video, he must, of course, contact your company. For that you will have to do a few things. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal candidate. Who is he and what does he want to know about your company before he contacts you? Which people do you want to appeal to? And how do you reach them? All questions you need to ask before starting your recruitment film.
Read all about job videos here!
After the job video, it’s time to wait for the responses
A job video attracts up to 2.5 times more responses than just a recruiting text. A combination of the two often works best. The responses these jobs generate are often of a higher quality, making them more valuable to your company. You have given the potential candidate a taste of the office atmosphere, clearly told him what his position will be if he joins you, and told him what he can do if he is interested. All you have to do now is wait for the suitable candidates to pour in.